Advertising Assessment learner response.

 WWW- At times OMO, you know product well but your answer question wrongly but in qu 4 you answer question with no revised detail from CSP.

1) 1

2) 7

3) 2

4) 3

3) Look specifically at question 2 - the OMO 12-mark question. Pick out three points from the mark scheme that you didn't include in your answer. 
-formal writing

4) Now look at question 3 - on the NHS Represent advert. Use the mark scheme to identify one way the advert subverts stereotypes of race/ethnicity and one way it might reinforce 
stereotypes of race/ethnicity. Try and write points you didn't include in your original answer if you can.

-the advert reinforces stereotypes of race by using urban music.
- the black female scientist shows subverts typical stereotypes of race.

5) Finally, look at question 4. Use the mark scheme to identify three points you could have made regarding the key messages in the Galaxy advert with regards to genre, narrative and intertextuality.

-better literacy
-the date time period


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