Mise-En-Scene Stranger Things.

choose THREE aspects of mise-en-scene (e.g. costume, lighting and setting) and write a short paragraph for each about the denotation and connotation and what is communicated to the audience.


The character at the start is wearing a white lab coat. this suggests to the audience that the topic of the photo could be sci-fi or could have correlations of a doctor. As we continue watching the clip we can see that the genre is 80s sci-fi.


In the mise en scene, there is a bright light above the actor. This suggests to the audience that the character is overwhelmed by the situation of the overbearing lights. We can also infer that by the lack of light in the background, the single bulb being the only way to see the environment around him.


For the setting, it is in a shed and looks to be full of storage while also messy. This has connotations of claustrophobia and may be in an unsafe environment; seeing that it was only made of wood. That is further supported by the windows where they are unable to be seen out of. It can elevate the atmosphere of the window where they are unable to be seen out of. It can elevate the atmosphere of the unknown outside because the shed is next to a forest, without other people around.


The props in this scene consists of a gun bullets and a light bulb as well as items in the background that are not directly used. The actor trying to put bullets in the gun while trembling shows the audience that it is a stressful situation for the character and that there is time pressure. IT could also hint to the character having a history of using the gun before.


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