Demographics and Psychographics: blog task

1) What information do media companies use to create a demographic profile of their audience?

They use segmentation and separate their audience into subgroups such as age, gender, education, social class, race/ethnicity, jobs and home, which is about where they live. For example: cities, villages and countryside.

2) Why are media companies and advertisers increasingly using audience profiling and not just demographics?

Because people might think that using demographics and creating subgroups (the idea of segmentation) is stereotypical and audience profiling helps increase conversion.

3) What psycho-graphic group of groups do you belong in? Think about your own interests and lifestyle and explain your decision. Remember, you may fit into two or three different groups!

I think that I fit into the mainstreaming groups of psycho-graphics as i always follow the most trusted brands and trending ones and i also it into the group called the aspire, since i am into fashion and different styles that are trending now.


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