LR: paper 2 december
01.1) sounds that the character and audience can hear 01.2) dialogue 01.3) 3- zoom reference the conversation -dolly shot shows she's leading the friendship -over shoulder shows the individual facial expression -long shot shows the relationship is changing -zoom when sat on the table -equally framed -reference closeness/relationship. 01.4) 7-use a topic sentence -female protagonist 2) 2-susan is obedient and naïve -teachers are ignorant irresponsible although they appear to be concerned -patriarchal society -HDM- contrast age deception as children isolated for themselves 03.1) 1 03.2) developing adverts 4) 3- M:R (authentic) celebrity who uses his platform for fame to support charities e.g fare shore donations, political engagement 6 percent. from working class background. more power than brands -Kim K: different/less authentic= created inorganically . already popular, history of celebrity family. uses her social media to manipulate rise of new digital media. -M.R main...